use db_student20 selectdistinct sex -- distinct 去重 from tb_student
查询 tb_student 表中共有几个系别
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use db_student20 selectCOUNT(distinct dept) as 系别总数 from tb_student
计算 tb_student 表中各个系的人数。
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select dept as 系别名称,COUNT(*) as 总人数 from tb_student groupby dept
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-- 方法一 selectcount(*) as 总人数 from tb_student where sno like'XXXXXXX%'
-- 方法二 selectcount(sno) 总人数 from tb_student whereLEFT(sno,8)='XXXXXXXX'
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select stu.sno as 学号,sn as 姓名,cno 课程号,score 成绩 from tb_student stu,tb_score sco -- 同一学生成绩信息,避免冲突,相同字段重命名表 引用 where stu.sno=sco.sno
显示 90 分以上每名同学的成绩,要求显示学号、姓名、课号和成绩
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select stu.sno as 学号,sn as 姓名,cno 课程号,score 成绩 from tb_student stu,tb_score sco where stu.sno=sco.sno and score >90-- 添加成绩约束条件
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select cn 课程名,MAX(score) as 最高分,MIN(score) as 最低分 from tb_course co,tb_score sc where co.cno=sc.cno groupby cn
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select cn 课程名,COUNT(*) as 补考人数 from tb_course c,tb_score sc where c.cno=sc.cno and score<60-- cno 课程编号 groupby cn
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selectLEFT(sno,8) as 班级,cn 课程名,MAX(score) 最高分,MIN(score) 最低分 from tb_course c,tb_score sc where c.cno=sc.cno groupbyLEFT(sno,8),cn having cn='MATLAB与系统仿真'-- 选中基础课名称
查询所有学生的选课情况,包括没选课的学生(使用左连接、右连接 2 种方法实现)
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--left join select* from tb_student s leftjoin tb_score sc on(s.sno=sc.sno)
--right join select* from tb_score sc rightjoin tb_student s on(sc.sno=s.sno)
列出 tb_student 表中和“XXX”系别相同的学生的学号和姓名
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--子查询 select sno 学号,sn 姓名 from tb_student where dept =any(select dept from tb_student where sn='XXX')--'XXX 系别'
--自身连接 select s1.sno, from tb_student s1,tb_student s2 where s1.dept=s2.dept and'XXX'
查询选修 c03 课程的学生姓名
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--子查询 select sn from tb_student where sno in(select sno from tb_score where cno='c03')
--连接 select sn from tb_student s,tb_score sc where s.sno=sc.sno and cno='c03'
查询不选 c04 课程的学生的学号和姓名
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select sno,sn from tb_student where sno notin(select sno from tb_score where cno='c04')
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select sno 学号,cn 课程名,score 成绩 from tb_score sc,tb_course c, ( select cno, MAX(score) as 最高分 from tb_score groupby cno ) as b where sc.cno=c.cno and c.cno=b.cno and score=b.最高分
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-- 子查询 select cno,cn from tb_course where cno in(selectdistinct cno from tb_score where score<60) -- 连接 selectdistinct c.cno,cn from tb_course c,tb_score sc where c.cno=sc.cno and score<60
不及格人数多于 1 人的科目及人数。
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select cn,COUNT(*)as 不及格人数 from tb_course c,tb_score sc where c.cno=sc.cno and score<60 groupby cn havingCOUNT(*)>1
显示 c01 科成绩不及格的学号,对应学生表中所有列的信息。
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select*from tb_student where sno in(select sno from tb_score where cno='c03'and score<60)
select cn,MAX(score) 最高分,MIN(score) 最低分,AVG(score) 平均分 from tb_course c,tb_score sc where c.cno=sc.cno groupby cn havingAVG(score)>75 orderby 平均分 desc
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-- 子查询 select sno,sn from tb_student where sno in ( select sno from tb_score where cno=(select cno from tb_course where cn='数据库原理与应用') )
select sno,sn from tb_student where sno in ( select sno from tb_score sc,tb_course c where sc.cno=c.cno and cn='数据库原理与应用' )
-- 连接 select sn,sn from tb_student s,tb_score sc,tb_course c where s.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=c.cno and cn='数据库原理与应用'
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select sno,score from tb_score where cno='c03'and score> ( select score from tb_score sc,tb_student s where sc.sno=s.sno and cno='c03' and sn='XXX'
-- 多层子查询 select sno,score from tb_score where cno='c03'and score> ( select score from tb_score where cno='c03'and sno=(select sno from tb_student where sn='XXX' ) ) )
selectdistinct sno from tb_score sc,tb_course c where sc.cno=c.cno and cn='数据库原理及应用' and score= ( select score from tb_score where sno= ( select sno from tb_student where sn='XXX' )and cno=(select cno from tb_course where cn='数据库原理及应用') )
selectdistinct sno from tb_score where score= ( select score from tb_score where sno= ( select sno from tb_student where sn='XXX' ) and cno=(select cno from tb_course where cn='数据库原理及应用') )